Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

Once the body is physically dependent on something and you can’t be yourself without it- now that’s a scary thought. The human body is an adaptive creature and ends up becoming accustomed to the poison being thrown inside of it daily. Then when said poison disappears, the body goes into shock. This uncomfortable shock of withdrawals is temporary though, for nothing in life is permanent except death.

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

Common Fears about Getting Sober

  • But what you need to remember is that you can choose who to share your journey with – and who to exclude.
  • What I know from this side of the fence is that life in recovery gives us everything that we had looking for at the bottom of a bottle.
  • This suggests that detox is an important step in the recovery process.

People often say they met their best friends in addiction treatment because it is a place where most of the people have experienced similar struggles. While it’s typically true that people entering treatment don’t know anyone there, the loneliness will only last a few days at the most. The staff wants you to feel welcome and you fear of being sober may have a roommate. When you insist on doing it your own way, that’s usually an attempt to avoid the hard but inevitable aspects of recovery. They want things to change but they don’t want to be uncomfortable, which is really true of everyone. And in addiction recovery, there are plenty of opportunities to be uncomfortable.

  • These associations and links are some of the hardest to break.
  • What you should know is that almost all addicts seeking help have relapses.
  • Learning to live in a drug and alcohol-free manner involves making a genuine commitment to a new and permanent lifestyle.
  • Failure is bad enough in itself but it’s even worse when other people are depending on us.
  • The material on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified health care provider.
  • They will provide you with round-the-clock care and supervision, ensuring that your physical and mental health is in good shape.

Relational fears

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

I was one of the people who actually felt bad for sober people. I thought their lives were boring, routine, and unexciting. Alcoholism had me 100 percent convinced that life was not fun without the presence of alcohol. Until we smash these common misconceptions about sobriety, people will continue to think sobriety is boring.

How to Cope with a Fear of Sobriety

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

Staying sober means staying clean, and that alone can be a scary thought for many addicts and alcoholics. Recovery from a substance use disorder or addiction is rarely an easy path. Some days will be a breeze, while others can be downright scary and overwhelming. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that relapses happen to almost everyone. In fact, some research estimates that up to 80 percent of people seeking long-term sobriety have at least one relapse. If this is one of your common fears about sobriety, it has probably been a long time since you have been free of alcohol and drugs.

Addiction Therapy Programs

  • It can be scary to confront ourselves and our dreams, and putting them off or procrastinating on them is a way to avoid putting the work in or fear of failure.
  • These people know that the days are hard right now, but they endure because they also know that, eventually, they will come out on top.
  • With friends, if they aren’t on board with your sobriety, you’ll have some tough choices ahead.
  • Learning strategies can help you identify triggers and cope with stress.

But when you are in treatment, you learn how to deal with stress so that it does not build up and immobilize you. New coping skills and behavior modifications will enable you to tackle whatever life throws your way. Additionally, you will always have the support of your group and allies to help talk you through any crises that arise. If you commit to it, there is hope for coping with life’s stresses without drinking.

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

They Don’t Know Who They are Without Alcohol

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

  • Starting a new life can feel scary and overwhelming.
  • All of which are just some of the many reasons why being sober far outweighs being addicted to drugs or alcohol.
  • So it may take some time before you truly feel content in your new life.
  • Any general advice posted on our blog, website, or app is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any medical or other advice.
  • People go into these big personal transformations expecting a linear progression from start to goal.

The Pros and Cons of Caffeine in Addiction Recovery

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